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Projects of international expert services
Accelerating algae product development in the Baltic and North Sea (AlgaeProBANOS)
Accelerating residential around-the-clock clean electricity consumption through hard and soft policies (ALLTIME)
Adapt-FIRST: Adapting to climate change risks in Finland: an Impact Response surface STudy
Administration and Support of the Strategic Cooperation Programme for Finland's Water Sector Support to the EECCA Countries (FinWaterWEI)
Advanced machine learning methods for biomonitoring (AMBI)
Aerosol intervention technologies to cool the climate: costs, benefits, side effects, and governance (COOL)
AI in water sector (AI Vesi360)
Air Pollution Damage Cost Model for Finland (IHKU)
Air quality improvement
Airborne Monitoring Tools for Arctic and Baltic Sea Environment (UAV-ARCTIC)
Alignment of maritime spatial planning practices in Baltic and North Seas (eMSP NBSR)
Analysing current and future damage costs of Nordic emissions of greenhouse gases, short-lived climate pollutants, and other air pollutants (N_SLCP)
Application of biological effects methods in monitoring and assessment of contaminants in the Baltic Sea (BEACON)
APRIORA – Improved Risk Assessment for Strategic Water Management to Reduce Micro-Pollutant Emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
Aquatic contaminants - Pathways, health risks and management (CONPAT)
Arctic Black Carbon Impacting Climate and Air Pollution (ABC-iCAP)
Arctic Coast Bioremediation - ACBR
Arctic Freshwater Capital in Nordic Countries (CAPITAL)
Arctic Preparedness Platform for Oil Spill and Other Environmental Accidents - APP4SEA
Artificial intelligence and IoT in water risk and water resources management (AlyVesi)
Artificial intelligence for automatized monitoring of water quality and vegetation biodiversity (AIWaterBio)
Assessing and valuing ecosystem services for managing hydropower constructed rivers systems - (ECORIVER)
Assessing limits of adaptation to climate change and opportunities for resilience to be enhanced (A-LA-CARTE)
Assessing the adaptive capacity of the Finnish environment and society under a changing climate (FINADAPT)
Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance – ALLIANCE
Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance+ to support blue biotechnology
Baltic Oil Spill Safety System, Russia
Baltic Sea Information on the Acustic Soundscape (BIAS)
Baltic Sea Pharma Platform (BSR Pharma)
Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023
Banks of fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances
Barents Black Carbon
Barents Protected Area Network (BPAN)
Basel Convention Regional Centre Support Programme
Benthic nitrous oxide cycling in a changing coastal sea (BENNO)
Best Practices Promoting Sustainable Urban Form - YKR-demo
Better Processes and Outcomes - Improving Knowledge Exchange in regional level governance of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BRO)
Beyond MALPE-coordination: integrative envisioning - BEMINE
Bioassays as tools for assessing safety of sewage sludge fertilizer usage - harmful substances and microplastics under observation (BIOLTA)
Bioavailability and bioaccumulation of brominated flame retardants in Finnish aquatic environments
Bio-based and biodegradable plastic materials in the marine environment (UBINAM)
Biodegradable plastic polymers in ocean coastal waters – degrader communities and their enzymes (BIPOD)
Biodiesel production from closed-algae growing systems using waste water of ethanol plant in Vietnam (ALGNAM)
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Arguments for our future Environment BESAFE
Biodiversity as a rural resource (LUMOAVA)
Bioeconomy and green engineering as foundations for future circular green economy (PEER GE)
Biological effects of hazardous substances on marine organisms
Biotic Ligand Models (BLM) for Nordic waters
Black and Brown Carbon in the Atmosphere and the Cryosphere (BBrCAC)
Black Carbon Footprint
Black carbon in the Arctic and significance compared to dust sources (IBA-FIN-BCDUST)
Blue Carbon Habitats - a comprehensive mapping of Nordic salt marshes for estimating Blue Carbon storage potential - a pilot study
Blue Growth boundaries in novel Baltic food webs - BONUS BLUEWEBS
Blue Platform
BlueBioSites Seed Money project – Data, information and tools to identify and monitor optimal sites for the Blue Bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Region
Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe (BASE)
Bringing nature back – biodiversity-friendly nature-based solutions in cities (BiNatUr)
Building a resilient ecological network of conserved areas across Europe for nature and people (NaturaConnect)
Building Capacity within Environmental Monitoring to Produce Pollution Load Data from Different Sources for HELCOM Pollution Load Compilations
Built environment information system – RYTJ
Capacity Building in the Fields of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Natura 2000 in Latvia
Capacity Building on Application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) in IPPC Permits, Lithuania
Capacity Building on Evaluation and Control for Diffuse Pollution in Alto Atoyac Basin, Puebla State, Mexico
Capacity building on surface water quality monitoring in Tajikistan (TJK-Water)
Capacity Building on the Water Monitoring and Management in Georgia
Carbon neutral municipalities - HINKU
Carbon neutrality
CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies (CASCADES)
Ceramic Demolition Waste in Circular Economy
Challenge-led Innovation Policy, Geopolitical uncertainty and Security (CIPGeS)
Change in Business Ecosystems for Local Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - Better Energy Services for Consumers (USE)
Changing phytoplankton community composition and its effect on biogeochemical fluxes in the Baltic Sea (C-Flux)
Chemical warfare agents in the Baltic Sea: biotransformation products and their toxicity, WARTOX
Circular Design Network (CircDNet)
Circular Economy and product policy instruments (KITUPO)
Circular procurement in Nordic countries - CIPRON
CircularWater project
CircVol 2 6Aika project: Utilization of high-volume side streams and masses of soil in cities
CIRCWASTE - Towards Circular Economy in Finland
Clay-soil phosphorus kinetics in lake and brackish systems (CLAPSOIL)
Clear waters from pharmaceuticals – CWPharma
Climate Change and Health: Adapting to Mental, Physical and Societal Challenges (CHAMPS)
Climate change impacts and the adaptation measures in the Finnish water services
Climate Change Indicators and Vulnerability of Boreal Zone Applying Innovative Observation and Modeling (EU Life+ MONIMET)
Climate change: a regional assessment of vulnerability and adaptive capacity for the Nordic countries (CARAVAN)
Climate-smart health technologies (CLISHEAT)
CMEMS - Copernicus Ocean Colour Observation: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, Provision on Ocean Colour Observation Products
CMEMS2 - Copernicus In-Situ Ocean Observations: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, Provision of In-Situ Ocean Observation Products
Collaborative remedies for fragmented societies – facilitating the collaborative turn in environmental decision-making – CORE
Compilation of pollution loads and assessment of the state of Baltic Sea for the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) and participation in the MONAS working group
Completing management options in the Baltic Sea Region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping - COMPLETE
Comprehensive assessment of climate measures in catchments - with system analysis towards carbon-neutral land use (SysteemiHiili)
Comprehensive Policy Actions and Investments in Sustainable Solutions in Agriculture in the Baltic Sea Region (Baltic COMPASS)
Concepts of nutrient cycling in archipelago and coastal areas (Saaristoravinne)
Confronting sustainability: governing forests and fisheries in the Arctic (ConSust)
CONSOLCA – an LCA consolidation project
Co-operation for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CO-OP4CBD)
Cooperation in environmental education in Baltic countries (CLIWATE)
Coordinated and Integrated Permitting System (CIPS) in South Africa
Copernicus Assisted Lake Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service (WQeMS)
Copernicus Global Land Lot 2 (C-GLOPS2)
Current plans into the built environment information system (VOOKA)
Data sources and methods for assessment of chemical risks in environmental crimes processes (RISTE)
Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM)
Decision Aid for Marine Munitions - DAIMON
Decision support for ecologically based planning - MetZo III
Defining environmental criteria for the assessment of the severity of oil discharges (ÖLARVI)
Developing a common knowledge base for monitoring land use and its changes (Mammutti)
Developing an algal filter for removal of nutrients (ALTUBBER)
Developing mobile services for in-situ monitoring, data storing and sharing (HALI)
Developing pilot accounts for marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems and packaging materials (ENVECOPACK)
Developing quality control tools for environment monitoring (OUTLIER)
Developing the guidelines for the post-spill monitoring of the accidental chemical spills in the Baltic sea and cold waters (EKOMON)
Development of a National Environmental Monitoring System (RANSMO), Bosnia & Herzegovina
Development of Archipelago Sea nutrient load model assembly and its implementation to coastal Gulf of Finland and Bothnian Sea
Development of Environmental Monitoring and Management in Georgia
DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status (DEVOTES)
Development of operative land cover monitoring system in Europe (geoland2)
Development of pan-European Multi-Sensor Snow Mapping Methods Exploiting Sentinel-1 (S1-4Sci Snow)
Developmental evaluation of the Finnish sustainable development policies and transformation pathways (POLKU2030, PATH2030)
Digital Waters Flagship (DIWA) & Doctoral education pilot
Digitalizing water resource measurement and observation - VEMIDI
Digitally mediated decarbon communities in energy transition (DigiDecarbon)
Digitizing the Carbon Sink Potential of Boreal Lakes (BlueLakes)
Distribution, ecology and impacts of alien species in the Baltic Sea
DRYvER - DRYing riVER networks
Earth Observation-based Services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status (EOMORES)
Eating and Energy Use Reconfigured (EE-TRANS)
EC DG CLIMA – Mainstreaming Climate Change into CSF-Funds 2014-2020
EC DG ENV – Framework contract for services related to coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach
EC DG MARE – EMODNet: Knowledge Base for growth and innovation in ocean economy: assembly and dissemination of marine data for seabed mapping
EC ENTR - Framework Service Contract Industrial Competitiveness for a Sustainable Future Lot 1
EC ENV – Framework contract to provide services to support the development and implementation of EU freshwater policies
Ecology of the higher trophic levels of the Baltic Sea
ECOPLASMA - Developing statistics and accounts for ecosystem services, plastic waste and material flows
Ecosystem hotel
Ecosystem modelling in climate change and eutrophication research (ABNORMAL)
Ecosystem Services and Human Health - Argumenta Project
Ecosystem-based Arctic Marine Spatial Planning - ARKMAS
Eco-tools for urban development - KEKO A
Effects of ultrasonic control of cyanobacteria on plankton community (UltraPlan)
Efficient Treatment of Pharmaceutical Residue at Source (EPIC)
Egypt - sustainable dredging
Egyptian Antiquities Information System (EAIS)
Egyptian Pollution Abatement Project (EPAP)
Elaboration of the National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP) 2030 (ISO 2030)
Elimination of nitrate in soil and groundwater at fur farm (NITROS)
EMODNet - Seabed habitats: Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network
EMODnet Biology: Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network
EMODnet Chemistry (EMODnet)
EMODNet2 Lot 2 Seabed Habitats: Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network
EMODnet2 Lot 4 Chemistry: Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network
Enabling comprehensive effective and efficient protection and restoration measures for a resilient Baltic Sea ecosystem - PROTECT BALTIC
Enabling demand response through easy-to-use open-source approach - EasyDR
Energy jump
Enhancing Oil Spill Response Capability in the Baltic Sea Region - OIL SPILL
Enhancing the marine and coastal biodiversity of the Baltic Sea in Finland and promoting the sustainable use of marine resources - BIODIVERSEA LIFE-IP
EnLIGHTening future Schools to deliver BLUE Sustainability in Europe (BlueLightS)
Environmental Goods and Services in Trade (VITALI)
Environmental impact assessment of airborne particulate matter: the effects of abatement and management strategies (BATMAN)
Environmental Management Support Programme (EMSP) in Lao PDR
Environmental Monitoring and Management Capacity Building in the Kyrgyz Republic
Environmental quality standards in the management of groundwater pollution
EO Applications for Integrated Maritime and Territorial Spatial Planning in the Baltic (BalticAIMS)
EP ENVI Framework Contract for the Provision of External Expertise on Emerging Regulatory and Policy Issues in the Area of Environmental Policy
EP-STOA Framework Contract: Provision of Scientific Consulting Services to Scientific Technology Options Assessment (STOA)
ESA Snow Climate Change Initiative (Snow cci)
Establishment of an information system and a database for water management field according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), Romania
Establishment of the Natura 2000 Network under the Habitats Directive
European Researchers' nights (Blue Nights)
Eutrophication-activity in the context of the WFD Common Implementation Strategy and the European Marine Strategy
Evaluating integrated spatially explicit carbon-neutrality for boreal landscapes and regions (C-NEUT)
Evaluation and Assessment of Climate Policies
Evaluation of the environmental effects of piping materials used in buildings
Example project (MODEL)
Experimentation culture in Finland - Lessons learned, systemic operations model and recommendations
Expert services for the development of the cooperation network of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia (GBF), phase II
Expert services for the development of the protected area network in the Barents Region (BPAN), phase II
Expert services for the neighbouring area co-operation of the Ministry of the Environment
Facing system change together: Citizen deliberation in informed and just climate transitions
Fate of the excess phosphate in the northern Baltic Sea (EPHOS)
Finnish Carbon Procurement Programme (Finnder)
Finnish CDM/JI Pilot Programme
Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
Finnish ecosystem observatory (FEO)
Finnish Industrial Symbiosis System and Model - Y
Finnish Marine portal
Finnish material flow analysis and scenario work on the use of natural resources in support of circular economy agreement
Finnish Regional Emission Scenario model FRES
Finnish Scenarios for Climate Change Research Addressing Policies, Regions and Integrated Systems (FINSCAPES)
Fluxes of Terminal Electron Acceptors: Linking Human Disturbance to the Health of Aquatic Systems (TEAQUILA)
Forest biodiversity protection in the Barents Region in 2020 and beyond: assessing the status and paving the way for mainstreaming biodiversity into forestry
Formation of Decision-Making System Aimed at Ecological and Economic Development of Issyk-Kul Lake's Territory Based on Results of Environment Monitoring (KGZ-Water / Issyk-Kul)
Framework agreement for project planning and evaluation assignments in the Western Balkans
Framework for developing companies’ environmental life-cycle impacts
From Marine Ecosystem Accounting to Integrated Governance For Sustainable Planning of Marine and Coastal Areas - MAREA
From theory and plans to eco-efficient and sustainable practices to improve the status of the Baltic Sea (WATERPRAXIS)
GAINS and EMEP modelling in the Russian Federation: further developments at the regional level
Genetic diversity and phenotypic variability in Baltic Sea phytoplankton populations: Implications for ecological processes and adaptation to environmental change (PHYTOVAR)
Geospatial Platform in Public Administration
Global connections and collaborative solutions for sustainable water security
Global taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of stream macroinvertebrate communities (GloBioTrends)
Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe GOVAQUA
Governing Digital Commons (GODICO): Governance Frameworks for the Opening and Sharing of Natural Resource Knowledge
Green and digital transition in river basin management
Green childhood
Green infra - The dependence of ecosystem services and biodiversity on the green infrastructure
Green Nature Based Solutions in Tourism to reduce negative impact on the environment - NatureBeST
Groundwater resources in Blue Bioeconomy – Possibilites to multipurpose utility (POSIBILITI)
Gulf of Bothnia as Resource for Sustainable Growth (SmartSea)
Gypsum amendment of agricultural fields as a collaboration form in improving the state of the Baltic Sea (NordGypsum)
Habitat Bank
Hazardous industrial chemicals in the IED BREFs (HAZBREF)
Hazardous Waste Management Project in Alexandria: Review of the 1st Phase and Preparation of the 2nd Phase, Egypt
Highly Optimized Energy System (HOPE)
Hydrological RDI partnership network (Hydro-RDI-Network)
Hydrological research infrastructure (HYDRO-RI-Platform)
Hydrological, Environmental and Socio-economic Modelling Tools for the Lower Mekong Basin Impact Assessment. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia
Hydropower production strategies: impacts on emissions and windfall profits
Identification of Priority Measures to Reduce Eutrophication from North-West Russia into the Gulf of Finland (PRIMER)
IK Forest
Impacts of climate change on multiple ecosystem services: Processes and adaption options at landscape scales (CLIMES)
Impacts of Terrestrial Organic Matter Loading on Lake Food Webs and Human Health - Challenges for Environmental Regulation (TERLA consortium)
Impacts of the EU’s Green Claims Initiative in Finland
Implementing genetic methods in phytoplankton monitoring (GeMeKa)
Improving capacity for SDG Monitoring with Earth Observation (EOSDG)
Improving Emissions Control (EC Twinning, Turkey)
Improving the habitat monitoring in Finland (LUSEK)
Increasing Climate Resilience of Zanzibar with Integrated Marine Management and Sustainable Blue Economy (BLUE-ZAN)
Indicators for sustainable urban development - KEKANUA
Innovative approaches for marine biodiversity monitoring and assessment of conservation status of nature values in the Baltic Sea (MARMONI)
Institutional Cooperation between the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Zambia (MLNREP) and the Finnish Environment Institute
Institutional Strengthening of Environmental Inspectorates
Institutional Support from Denmark and Finland, Focusing on Decentralised Environmental Management, Nicaragua
Integrated assessment modelling of global change impacts and adaptation (FINESSI)
Integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects – GRACE
Intellectually driven management of natural resources of Green Belt of Fennoscandia, IntellGreenBelt
Interactions between flood risk management and river basin management (Vehotulva)
Intermediaries in the energy transition: The invisible work of creating markets for sustainable energy solutions (TRIPOD)
International co-operation on real-time observations and forecasting
Joint cross-border environmental monitoring system (Eco-bridge)
Just transition: Tackling inequalities on the way to a sustainable, healthy and climate-neutral food system (JUST-FOOD)
Karvianjoki futures - Integrating scenario approach into the river basin planning in the Karvianjoki water shed
Keeping the Arctic White: Regulatory Options for Reducing Short-Lived Climate Forcers in the Arctic (WHITE)
Key questions of sustainable development and action plan 2030
KGZ-Water / Son-Kul
Knowledge based data services -improving the life cycle and accessibility of environmental data provided for public interest (LifeData)
Knowledge co-production in science-intensive environmental disputes (JOINED)
Knowledge Flows in Marine Spatial Planning - Sharing Innovation in Higher Education
Knowledge, communication and targeting of biodiversity conservation
Land-based heavy metal load to the Baltic Sea (HELCOM data base PLC-5)
LCA of waste-based biofuels and wood waste (JälkiPuu)
Leveraging sustainability transformation (LEVERAGE)
Life in the fast lane: Computer vision and machine learning to unveil biodiversity dynamics and ecosystem responses in the planktonic realm - FASTVISION
Life in the fast lane: Revealing high-frequency plankton dynamics with multi-device imaging and open-set image classification (FASTVISION-plus)
Linkages between marine biodiversity and ecosystem services
Long-term Monitoring of coastal zoobenthos
Lorem ipsum (mallihanke) EN
Machine vision in environment monitoring (EnVision)
Management of Horizontal Activities and Support to the Regional Euro-Mediterranean Programme for the Environment (SMAP)
Management of water balance and quality in mining areas (WaterSmart)
Map-based assessment of vulnerability to climate change employing regional indicators (MAVERIC)
Marine modelling
Marine Research Capacity Development in Namibia (MARINAM)
Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE)
Measuring biodiversity impacts and their drivers for biodiversity footprints (BDprint)
Measuring Green Public Procurement in EU (European Commission)
Microbial diversity in aquatic systems and effects of browning (MiDAS)
Microplastics in Agricultural soil MicrAgri
Migration of alternative de-icing chemicals in aquifers (MIDAS)
Mitigating the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in the Barents Region (BARIMS)
Mitigation of Arctic warming by controlling European BC emissions (MACEB)
Mixed use indices and urban fabrics supporting urban planning
Modelling and assessment of freshwater biodiversity loss using biological monitoring data
Monitoring of harmful substances in the receiving water bodies of pulp and paper industry using incubated mussels
Monitoring of riverine nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea
Monitoring of the Baltic sea coastal zone, vegetational changes in the Finnish coast
Monitoring of the impacts of road salting on groundwater
Monitoring of the state of the Gulf of Finland (R/V Muikku)
Monitoring of underwater sound pressure in the Baltic Sea (PÄPSI)
Monitoring strategy for marine underwater nature (VESTRA)
Montenegro - Natura 2000: Establishment of Natura 2000 network (EC/EuropeAid, 2016-2019)
Multidisciplinary Project on Dissolved Organic Matter loading and its effects on the Baltic Sea (MULTIDOM)
Multilevel assessment of sustainable oil spill response measures and their impact on Arctic and subarctic marine environments - OILRES
National environment monitoring strategy & development program MONITOR 2020
National pollinator monitoring for Finland
National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Integrated Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (ZAN-SDI)
Nature-based solutions for regional growth
Needs Assessment for the Effective Implementation of the Environmental Conservation Law in Myanmar
New and innovative low-carbon business generates competitive advantage for companies and municipalities (VÄLKE)
Nordic consumption carbon footprint calculators
Nordic WFD conference 2014
Northern marine litter – developing research and stakeholder cooperation in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic (POMERO)
Novel Assessment of Black Carbon in the Eurasian Arctic: From Historical Concentrations and Sources to Future Climate Impacts (NABCEA)
Novel gypsum-based products for farm scale phosphorus trapping (TraP)
Novel methods for the accounting of forest ecosystems and circular materials (ENVECO)
Nudging for climate - CLIMATE-NUDGE
Nutrients, energy and livelihood for the countryside from a biogas plant (BioRaEE)
Oil Spills in Arctic Areas -seminar
Operationalisation of Natural capital and Ecosystem Services: From concepts to real-world applications (OpenNESS)
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECM)
Outdoor recreation, nature interpretation and integration in Nordic countries (ORIGIN)
Paludiculture as a climatically sustainable solution for growing media production (Kasvua)
Pan-Arctic observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for societal Needs (Arctic PASSION)
Passive Sampler Screening of Pharmaceuticals in the Gulf of Finland (MEDGoF)
Pathways linking uncertainties in model projections of climate and its effects
Planner's Carbon Tool - Carbon Map (Hiilikartta)
Planning of environmental reference laboratory in Chile
Plastic in Agricultural Production: Impacts, Lifecycles and LONg-term Sustainability (PAPILLONS)
Plastic waste pathways into the Baltic Sea - BLASTIC
PlastLIFE SIP – Re-thinking plastics in a sustainable circular economy
Policy learning: linking development policy and climate change in Finland's relations with developing countries
PölyBAT: Street Dust Control Best Practices
Potential and Pitfalls of Alternative Approaches to Ecosystem Service Valuation (ValuES)
Preparing for the domino effect in crisis situations (PREDICT)
Primary productivity iron limitation in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Southern Ocean – unraveling the role of bacteria as mediators in the iron cycle (IMICROBE)
Pro Quality Data
Processes and Decision Support System for Innovative Public Cleantech Procurement
Producing land cover and land use data in CORINE Land Cover 2018 project in Finland
Programme for Finland’s Water Sector Support to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (FinWaterWEI II)
Project Preparation and Supervision in the Municipal Water Sector in North-West Russia
Promotion of sustainable circular bioeconomy in North Karelia
Protecting biodiversity through regulating trade and international business (BIO-TRADE)
Provision of harmonized land use information: LUCAS and national systems (FinLUCAS 2)
Public Participation in Environmental Aspects in ASEM Countries
Publication and crowdsourcing analysis of phenomena of interest in EO products (EO-Crowd)
Quality assessment of coastal waters and regional variation in water quality
Re:Fish project
Real time algal monitoring in the Baltic Sea (Alg@line)
Realization of a Unified pH Scale (UnipHied)
Recovering nutrients: Feasibility of closed-circuit hypolimnetic withdrawal (RaPo)
Recycling nutrients and energy of Canadian waterweed
Reducing emissions by turning nutrients and carbon into benefits (RETURN)
Regional Industrial Pollution and CO2 Emission Abatement Project for Arab Countries
Regional Monitoring and Supervision Unit (RMSU) to provide Monitoring, Collection and Dissemination of Results of the MEDA Water Projects
Regoverning the Existing Hydropower System: Integrating ecological, economic and societal aspects of sustainability (SusHydro)
Regulation by environmental quality standards – Institutionalisation of ecosystem approach in coastal management (ENSCA)
Reindeer Herding GIS and Tools for Land Use Planning (TOKAT)
Remote sensing of water quality and temperature (Head project)
Renewal of manufacturing towards a sustainable circular bioeconomy and implications for innovation policy (RECIBI)
Renewing of the Finnish river basin system (VALUE)
Requalifying matter: nutrient recycling, pollution control and the shifting economies of fertilisation (QUMARE)
Research for sustainability transformations – Strengthening critical reflection and methodological capacities across disciplines (REFLECT)
Research vessel Aranda renovation
Resilience of complex legal systems in sustainability transformation (RELIEF)
Resource and Environment Protection in the Timano-Pechora Region, Russia
Revealing the role of GEOSS as the default digital portal for building climate change adaptation & mitigation applications (EIFFEL)
Right tools for right problems (PORTRIGHT)
River Basin Management Programme, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal (RWSSP-WN)
Satellite Snow Product Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise (SnowPEx)
Science for Evidence-based and Sustainable Decisions about Natural Capital (SELINA)
Seabed nutrient trapping with dredged glacial clays (CLAYTRAP)
Sea-Land biogeochemical linkages (SeaLaBio)
Seamless Bothnian Bay – SEAmBOTH
Seed banks as reservoirs of diversity driving evolutionary dynamics and persistence of Baltic phytoplankton in a changing environment (RESERVOIR)
Sentinel mosaics in Finland in national reference grid (FPCUP SGA3 Tier1)
Shared waters
Short-term expert services for HELCOM
Simulators for improving Cross-Border Oil Spill Response in Extreme Conditions - SIMREC
Small-scale wastewater treatment systems: governance, efficiency, resources recovery, environment contamination risks and innovative solutions for processes optimization (ON-SITE)
Snow Cover/Extent Demonstrator from optical Sensors (SEDOS)
Social-ecological analysis and models for digital twin ocean (SEADITO)
Solidarity in climate change adaptation policies: towards more socio-spatial justice in the face of multiple risks (SOLARIS)
Solutions for transition: Fair, flexible and socially resilient energy systems (FLAIRE)
Spatial information and residents' experiences for development of comfortable living environments
Start-up and co-creation communities as ecosystems for eco-innovations (SCINNO)
Street dust research
Strengthening of Environmental Administration and Management at the Local Level (SEAM), Nepal
Strengthening of Environmental Administration and Management at the Local Level II (SEAM-II), Nepal
Strengthening of Environmental Administration and Management at the Local Level III (SEAM-Nepal) Completion phase
Strengthening of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (StEMA)
Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of nature protection
Strengthening the Capacity in Selected METAP Countries to Assess the Cost of Environmental Degradation in Coastal Areas (COED)
Strengthening water quality monitoring and assessment in Colombia (COFI water 2019-2022)
Sunken wreck environmental risk assessment (SWERA)
Support to Environment and Sustainable Development in North West Province, South Africa
Support to Magaliesberg Biosphere Initiative, South Africa
Supporting Finnish Municipalities in Urban Greening Plans (GreeningCities)
Sustainability transition through promoting recycling: Modeling circular plastic flows in Finland (STAR)
Sustainability-oriented innovation policy_COSU
Sustainable green transition in the Barents region
Sustainable growth for Northern Ostrobothnia – The monitoring system for green transition
Sustainable niche for farmed animals in food systems (SustAnimalFood)
Sustainable textile systems: Co-creating resource-wise business for Finland in global textile networks (FINIX)
Sustainable Watershed Management Through IoT-Driven Artificial Intelligence (SWAIN)
SustainBaltic project - ICZM Plans for Sustaining Coastal and Marine Human-ecological Networks in the Baltic Region
Synergies and trade-offs between carbon footprint and other environmental impacts of buildings (SynTra)
TA to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction of Croatia for Enhanced Environmental Inspection for Enforcement of New Environmental Legislation
Tackling agricultural phosphorus load by soil amendments - GYPREG
Tailored downstream applications/products–from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring
Targeted methods for increasing recycling – economic impacts and feasibility (KEIKKA 2)
Taxa Identification with Machine Learning Enhanced by DNA Metabarcoding (TIMED)
The Biodiversity Nexus - Triggering transformative change for sustainability (BIONEXT)
The Committee on the development of spatial conservation prioritization of forests
The discharge and environmental impacts of SBR granules from artificial turfs (TEKONURMI)
The EU Action on Black Carbon in the Arctic
The Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Diversity (Velmu)
The GSGF in Finland — Integration of geospatial and statistical information in Finland (GSFI)
The impacts of phytoplankton community composition and particle transport pathways on the biological carbon pump in coastal seas under the changing climate (PHYTOTRANS)
The key questions of plastics recycling (Muoviavain)
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel, Circular Economy and Product Environmental Footprint (SCEPEF)
TJK-Water Quality II
Towards a future-oriented “Energiewende” (FutWend)
Towards an overarching understanding of fungal spore dispersion across scales: combining eDNA and flow cytometry with integrated atmospheric modelling for application in bioaerosol and biodiversity monitoring (SPORELIFE)
Towards arsenic safe drinking water in Nepal (NeAs)
Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions (CANEMURE)
Towards coherent protected area network in Finland (KOKASU)
Towards deliberative climate and energy foresight
Towards ecosystem accounting based on innovations and insights on natural capital knowledge ESTAT-EEA
Towards Eco-Welfare State: Orchestrating for Systemic Impact (ORSI)
Towards Enhanced Protection of the Baltic Sea from Main Land-based Threats: Agricultural Waste Component & Hazardous Waste Component
Towards reliable extinction threat evaluation of the poorly known wood-inhabiting fungi
Training and Experience Exchange on Integrated Product Policy (IPP) and on the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP), Lithuania
TRANSCIRC - Transition Pathways Towards Circular Economy
Transition to a clean energy system (REPower-CEST)
Turn the tap on
Understanding the link between Air pollution and Distribution of related Health Impacts and Welfare in the Nordic countries (NordicWelfAir)
Unfolding sense of water: care across boundaries
Upgrading the National Environmental Monitoring System of Azerbaijan
Urban and regional planning with the young generation - URGENT
Urban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)
Urban cooperation of the Baltic Sea countries in the protection of the marine environment (BALTICITIES)
Urban Zones Applied in Planning (Urban Zone 3)
Utilization of acid sulfate soils (SmartASS)
Utilization of Canadian waterweed - from nuisance to source of raw materials
Utilization of DNA methods in assessing the ecological status and diversity of water bodies (eDNA monitor)
Validation of High Resolution Water, Snow, and Ice (HR-WSI)
Value for money: unlocking the investment potential for resilient low-carbon Finnish building stock (Life EconomisE)
Vitality from the Kainuu Lakes to the Gulf of Bothnia - Oulujoki watershed vision 2035 (ARVOVESI)
Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA)
WasteLess Karelias
Water Cooperation and Peace - Finnish Water Way
Water driven rural development in the Baltic Sea Region - (WaterDrive)
Water meets people SEVIRA
Project structure
Steering group
Water quality detection using Sentinel and Landsat satellite series on Finnish lakes and coastal waters/Baltic Sea (VESISEN)
Water Quality Monitoring in the Kyrgyz Republic
Water security for the planet (Water4All)
Winter navigation risks and oil contingency plan (WINOIL)
Wintertime greenhouse gas dynamics in the coastal polar seas – microbial pathways and processes in sea-ice methane and nitrous oxide cycling (WICE)
Workshop on marine protected area (MPA) networks in a changing Arctic climate
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Satellite observations
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