Press releases

Latest press releases

  • Number of moths has remained stable for 30 years, but the species have changed significantly 2024-06-27
    The 30th anniversary report of the national Nocturna moth monitoring, coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and launched in 1993, presents the history, background and changing species of moths in Finland. Nocturna is one of Finland's longest-running monitorings of species and the third longest-running moth monitoring in Europe. As moths are sensitive to changes in the environment, their monitoring provides valuable information about the effects of global warming, for example.
  • Warm weather has increased blue-green algae observations in inland waters, on the coasts and in the Gulf of Finland area 2024-06-27
    The number of blue-green algae observations has increased since last week. As a result of the warmer weather, the occurrences of blue-green algae in inland waters are slightly above average for the time of year. There has been a significant increase in blue-green algae observations in the Gulf of Finland and in the northern part of the Northern Baltic Proper.
  • R/V Aranda open to the public at two events this summer 2024-06-24
    In Helsinki, during the Tall Ships Races, July 4th to 6th, and on Baltic Sea Day, August 29th, the public has the opportunity to explore the research vessel Aranda. During these events, Aranda will serve as a platform for marine research dissemination supporting the goals of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
  • Earlier-than-usual observations of blue-green algae in marine areas, situation in inland waters typical for early summer 2024-06-20
    The warm weather in early summer and early warming of the sea water brought forward blue-green algae observations in the offshore areas of the Gulf of Finland. This week has seen an increase in occurrences of surface algae along the Gulf of Finland coast. In inland waters, there has been a slight increase in blue-green algae observations since last week, but the situation is typically calm for early summer.
  • In sea areas, the risk of extensive blue-green algae blooms remains significant 2024-06-10
    Blue-green algae risk is significant in the Gulf of Finland, the Archipelago Sea and also in the southern and central parts of the Bothnian Sea.
  • Corrected press release: Municipal climate emissions down 38 per cent from peak years of 2000s 2024-06-07
    Finnish Environment Institute press release, which replaces the information published on 16 May 2024 On 16 May 2024, the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) published a press release on climate emissions from municipalities. An error was detected in the calculation of road transport emissions after the publication of the press release, which affects the share of emissions in all sectors. For this reason, Syke exceptionally publishes the entire press release with corrected figures and thus replaces the previous press release. The greatest change has been seen in transport emissions, which, contrary to what was said earlier, did not increase, but decreased by 3.7 per cent. This also affected the total amount of emissions: municipal climate emissions decreased by 38 per cent between 2006 and 2022, instead of the 36 per cent reported earlier. The Finnish Environment Institute apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the error.
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Published 2013-06-04 at 15:40, updated 2024-01-04 at 8:50
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