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Moderate amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and coastal areas, increased observations in open sea areas of the Gulf of Finland
Press release | Published: 2021-08-12

The cyanobacterial situation har remained calm in lakes and coastal areas. The amounts of cyanobacteria in inland waters are small compared with the average. In the open sea areas of the Gulf of Finla......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Moderate amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and coastal areas, increased observations in open sea areas of the Gulf of Finland
Current > Moderate amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and coastal areas, increased observations in open sea areas of the Gulf of Finland
Current > Press releases > Moderate amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and coastal areas, increased observations in open sea areas of the Gulf of Finland
Research & development > Sea > Moderate amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and coastal areas, increased observations in open sea areas of the Gulf of Finland
Research & development > Water > Moderate amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and coastal areas, increased observations in open sea areas of the Gulf of Finland
The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down both in inland waters and sea areas
Press release | Published: 2021-08-05

The number of cyanobacterial observations has started to decline in inland waters and on the coasts of the Baltic Sea. The situation in inland waters is calmer than usual. Usually, August is the month......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down both in inland waters and sea areas
Current > Press releases > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down both in inland waters and sea areas
Current > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down both in inland waters and sea areas
Research & development > Sea > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down both in inland waters and sea areas
Research & development > Water > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down both in inland waters and sea areas
Cyanobacterial observations have increased in both lakes and sea areas; the situation is typical for the late summer
Press release | Published: 2021-07-29

Larger amounts of cyanobacteria have been observed in inland waters than in the previous week. The observations are concentrated in eutrophic lakes and bays in the southern parts of Finland. Cyanobact......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Cyanobacterial observations have increased in both lakes and sea areas; the situation is typical for the late summer
Current > Cyanobacterial observations have increased in both lakes and sea areas; the situation is typical for the late summer
Current > Press releases > Cyanobacterial observations have increased in both lakes and sea areas; the situation is typical for the late summer
Research & development > Sea > Cyanobacterial observations have increased in both lakes and sea areas; the situation is typical for the late summer
Research & development > Water > Cyanobacterial observations have increased in both lakes and sea areas; the situation is typical for the late summer
The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down, small amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and sea areas
Press release | Published: 2021-07-22

The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down both in inland waters and sea areas. Almost all cyanobacterial observations concern small amounts of cyanobacteria. In lakes, storm Riikka stirred up the s......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down, small amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and sea areas
Current > Press releases > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down, small amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and sea areas
Current > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down, small amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and sea areas
Research & development > Sea > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down, small amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and sea areas
Research & development > Water > The cyanobacterial situation has calmed down, small amounts of cyanobacteria in lakes and sea areas
Widespread cyanobacteria in the open areas of the Bothnian Sea, the warm weather has contributed to the growth of cyanobacteria in lakes
Press release | Published: 2021-07-15

Along the coast and in the open sea areas varying amounts of cyanobacteria have been observed. On the coast, observations continue to centre around the Archipelago Sea. The hot weather has contribute......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Widespread cyanobacteria in the open areas of the Bothnian Sea, the warm weather has contributed to the growth of cyanobacteria in lakes
Current > Press releases > Widespread cyanobacteria in the open areas of the Bothnian Sea, the warm weather has contributed to the growth of cyanobacteria in lakes
Current > Widespread cyanobacteria in the open areas of the Bothnian Sea, the warm weather has contributed to the growth of cyanobacteria in lakes
Research & development > Sea > Widespread cyanobacteria in the open areas of the Bothnian Sea, the warm weather has contributed to the growth of cyanobacteria in lakes
Research & development > Water > Widespread cyanobacteria in the open areas of the Bothnian Sea, the warm weather has contributed to the growth of cyanobacteria in lakes
Abundant cyanobacteria in sea areas, in lakes the amounts of cyanobacteria have increased in places
Press release | Published: 2021-07-08

The warm and calm weather has contributed to the growth of cyanobacteria, especially in the sea areas. On the coasts, cyanobacterial observations have been made particularly in the Gulf of Finland and......

Same content on several places:
Current > Abundant cyanobacteria in sea areas, in lakes the amounts of cyanobacteria have increased in places
Current > Algal reviews > Abundant cyanobacteria in sea areas, in lakes the amounts of cyanobacteria have increased in places
Current > Press releases > Abundant cyanobacteria in sea areas, in lakes the amounts of cyanobacteria have increased in places
Research & development > Sea > Abundant cyanobacteria in sea areas, in lakes the amounts of cyanobacteria have increased in places
Research & development > Water > Abundant cyanobacteria in sea areas, in lakes the amounts of cyanobacteria have increased in places
In the Archipelago Sea abundant cyanobacteria in places, in lakes the cyanobacterial situation is mostly normal
Press release | Published: 2021-07-01

In the coastal areas of Finland, the cyanobacterial situation is progressing quietly despite the individual abundant cyanobacterial occurrences in the Archipelago Sea. In lakes, the cyanobacterial sit......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > In the Archipelago Sea abundant cyanobacteria in places, in lakes the cyanobacterial situation is mostly normal
Current > In the Archipelago Sea abundant cyanobacteria in places, in lakes the cyanobacterial situation is mostly normal
Current > Press releases > In the Archipelago Sea abundant cyanobacteria in places, in lakes the cyanobacterial situation is mostly normal
Research & development > Sea > In the Archipelago Sea abundant cyanobacteria in places, in lakes the cyanobacterial situation is mostly normal
Research & development > Water > In the Archipelago Sea abundant cyanobacteria in places, in lakes the cyanobacterial situation is mostly normal
During the Midsummer week, cyanobacterial observations have increased in sea areas and lakes in Southern and Central Finland
Press release | Published: 2021-06-24

During the Midsummer week, more and more blue-green algae have been observed in both lake and sea areas. The hot weather in June has boosted the growth of blue-green algae, especially in Southern and ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > During the Midsummer week, cyanobacterial observations have increased in sea areas and lakes in Southern and Central Finland
Current > During the Midsummer week, cyanobacterial observations have increased in sea areas and lakes in Southern and Central Finland
Current > Press releases > During the Midsummer week, cyanobacterial observations have increased in sea areas and lakes in Southern and Central Finland
Research & development > Sea > During the Midsummer week, cyanobacterial observations have increased in sea areas and lakes in Southern and Central Finland
Research & development > Water > During the Midsummer week, cyanobacterial observations have increased in sea areas and lakes in Southern and Central Finland
Slight increase in cyanobacterial observations in lakes, Storm Vieno curbed the growth of cyanobacteria in sea areas
Press release | Published: 2021-06-17

In lakes, more cyanobacterial observations have been made than during the previous week, but the observed amounts of cyanobacteria have been small. In sea areas, the cyanobacterial situation is still ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Slight increase in cyanobacterial observations in lakes, Storm Vieno curbed the growth of cyanobacteria in sea areas
Current > Press releases > Slight increase in cyanobacterial observations in lakes, Storm Vieno curbed the growth of cyanobacteria in sea areas
Current > Slight increase in cyanobacterial observations in lakes, Storm Vieno curbed the growth of cyanobacteria in sea areas
Research & development > Sea > Slight increase in cyanobacterial observations in lakes, Storm Vieno curbed the growth of cyanobacteria in sea areas
Research & development > Water > Slight increase in cyanobacterial observations in lakes, Storm Vieno curbed the growth of cyanobacteria in sea areas
The cyanobacterial situation is calm, with sporadic observations in lakes and sea areas
Press release | Published: 2021-06-10

In lakes, cyanobacterial observations are slightly up compared to last week, but abundant cyanobacterial blooms have not been observed. In the Finnish sea areas, some cyanobacterial observations have ......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > The cyanobacterial situation is calm, with sporadic observations in lakes and sea areas
Current > Press releases > The cyanobacterial situation is calm, with sporadic observations in lakes and sea areas
Current > The cyanobacterial situation is calm, with sporadic observations in lakes and sea areas
Research & development > Sea > The cyanobacterial situation is calm, with sporadic observations in lakes and sea areas
Research & development > Water > The cyanobacterial situation is calm, with sporadic observations in lakes and sea areas
As in the previous year, the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in the Finnish sea areas is considerable or moderate – the summer weather determines the actual situation
Press release | Published: 2021-06-03

The risk of significant and widespread cyanobacterial blooms this summer in the eastern Gulf of Finland and the main basin of the Baltic Sea is slightly higher than in summer 2020....

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Risk prediction for cyanobacterial blooms > As in the previous year, the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in the Finnish sea areas is considerable or moderate – the summer weather determines the actual situation
Current > As in the previous year, the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in the Finnish sea areas is considerable or moderate – the summer weather determines the actual situation
Current > Press releases > As in the previous year, the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in the Finnish sea areas is considerable or moderate – the summer weather determines the actual situation
Research & development > Sea > As in the previous year, the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in the Finnish sea areas is considerable or moderate – the summer weather determines the actual situation
Cyanobacterial blooms observed at only one observation site in the Finnish sea areas, a few observations in lakes.
Press release | Published: 2021-06-03

The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) has started reporting observations of summer 2021 cyanobacteria blooms this week. Some cyanobacteria has been observed at one observation site in the eastern p......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Cyanobacterial blooms observed at only one observation site in the Finnish sea areas, a few observations in lakes.
Current > Cyanobacterial blooms observed at only one observation site in the Finnish sea areas, a few observations in lakes.
Current > Press releases > Cyanobacterial blooms observed at only one observation site in the Finnish sea areas, a few observations in lakes.
Research & development > Sea > Cyanobacterial blooms observed at only one observation site in the Finnish sea areas, a few observations in lakes.
Research & development > Water > Cyanobacterial blooms observed at only one observation site in the Finnish sea areas, a few observations in lakes.
Webinar: Connecting up land and sea – system thinking for Mission Starfish
Event | Event starts: 2021-04-20

The European Network of Freshwater Research Organisations EurAqua is hosting a webinar on "Connecting up land and sea – system thinking for Mission Starfish" Webinar on 20th of April. Anna-Stiina Heis......

Current > Events > Webinar: Connecting up land and sea – system thinking for Mission Starfish
Biodegradable plastic polymers in ocean coastal waters – degrader communities and their enzymes (BIPOD)
Project | Published: 2021-03-18

Marine litter, particularly plastic pollution, is one of the key threats for world ocean ecosystems. Petrochemical plastics do not readily biodegrade in the marine environment, but also biodegradable...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Biodegradable plastic polymers in ocean coastal waters – degrader communities and their enzymes (BIPOD)
Aranda’s monitoring cruise: Record high temperatures in some areas in the Baltic Sea, increasing phosphorus concentrations in the Archipelago Sea and the Bothnian Sea
Press release | Published: 2021-03-04

Water temperatures in the Baltic Sea are increasing and the deep-water temperatures are record-high in some areas. Phosphorus concentrations are rising in the central part of the Archipelago Sea and t......

Same content on several places:
Current > Aranda’s monitoring cruise: Record high temperatures in some areas in the Baltic Sea, increasing phosphorus concentrations in the Archipelago Sea and the Bothnian Sea
Current > Press releases > Aranda’s monitoring cruise: Record high temperatures in some areas in the Baltic Sea, increasing phosphorus concentrations in the Archipelago Sea and the Bothnian Sea
Research & development > Sea > Aranda’s monitoring cruise: Record high temperatures in some areas in the Baltic Sea, increasing phosphorus concentrations in the Archipelago Sea and the Bothnian Sea
Research & development > Water > Aranda’s monitoring cruise: Record high temperatures in some areas in the Baltic Sea, increasing phosphorus concentrations in the Archipelago Sea and the Bothnian Sea
Services > Research Vessel Aranda > Aranda’s monitoring cruise: Record high temperatures in some areas in the Baltic Sea, increasing phosphorus concentrations in the Archipelago Sea and the Bothnian Sea
Sea-ice loss disrupts Arctic Ocean ecosystems and biogeochemistry
News | Published: 2020-11-02

A new review paper published in the journal Nature Climate Change on the ecosystem consequences of the loss of Arctic sea-ice highlights the need for the creation of new research knowledge to support ......

Same content on several places:
Current > News > Sea-ice loss disrupts Arctic Ocean ecosystems and biogeochemistry
Current > Sea-ice loss disrupts Arctic Ocean ecosystems and biogeochemistry
Research & development > Sea > Sea-ice loss disrupts Arctic Ocean ecosystems and biogeochemistry
Recent monitoring results: The state of the Gulf of Finland better than in the past few years, the Bothnian Sea is becoming eutrophic
Press release | Published: 2020-10-20

The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE has again produced an assesment of the state of the coastal waters of the Gulf of Finland and the open sea surrounding Finland from the southern Baltic Sea to th......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Recent monitoring results: The state of the Gulf of Finland better than in the past few years, the Bothnian Sea is becoming eutrophic
Current > Recent monitoring results: The state of the Gulf of Finland better than in the past few years, the Bothnian Sea is becoming eutrophic
Research & development > Sea > Recent monitoring results: The state of the Gulf of Finland better than in the past few years, the Bothnian Sea is becoming eutrophic
Services > Research Vessel Aranda > Recent monitoring results: The state of the Gulf of Finland better than in the past few years, the Bothnian Sea is becoming eutrophic
New tool for fast and efficient oil spill response at sea
Press release | Published: 2020-10-13

A new, free tool for oil spill response at sea is now available online for authorities and local response units. The aim of the tool is to minimize environmental impacts of oil spills in the Arctic an......

Same content on several places:
Current > New tool for fast and efficient oil spill response at sea
Current > Press releases > New tool for fast and efficient oil spill response at sea
Research & development > Quality of information > New tool for fast and efficient oil spill response at sea
Research & development > Sea > New tool for fast and efficient oil spill response at sea
Microalgae, which keep the planet alive, have more complex and fascinating life than we have known
News | Published: 2020-09-17

Single-celled algae are traditionally thought to reproduce simply by asexual cell division. Lumi Haraguchi´s discovery proves otherwise. ...

Same content on several places:
Current > Microalgae, which keep the planet alive, have more complex and fascinating life than we have known
Current > News > Microalgae, which keep the planet alive, have more complex and fascinating life than we have known
Research & development > Sea > Microalgae, which keep the planet alive, have more complex and fascinating life than we have known
Summary of algal bloom monitoring June-August 2020: Varying cyanobacterial blooms in lakes during the summer, unusual cyanobacterial observations in northern parts of the Bothnian Sea and the Kvarken
Press release | Published: 2020-08-27

The cyanobacterial situation over the past summer has been variable both in inland waters and sea areas. The number of cyanobacterial observations during June–August followed the weather conditions qu......

Same content on several places:
Current > Algal reviews > Summary of algal bloom monitoring June-August 2020: Varying cyanobacterial blooms in lakes during the summer, unusual cyanobacterial observations in northern parts of the Bothnian Sea and the Kvarken
Current > Algal reviews > Summary reviews > Summary of algal bloom monitoring June-August 2020: Varying cyanobacterial blooms in lakes during the summer, unusual cyanobacterial observations in northern parts of the Bothnian Sea and the Kvarken
Current > Press releases > Summary of algal bloom monitoring June-August 2020: Varying cyanobacterial blooms in lakes during the summer, unusual cyanobacterial observations in northern parts of the Bothnian Sea and the Kvarken
Current > Summary of algal bloom monitoring June-August 2020: Varying cyanobacterial blooms in lakes during the summer, unusual cyanobacterial observations in northern parts of the Bothnian Sea and the Kvarken
Research & development > Sea > Summary of algal bloom monitoring June-August 2020: Varying cyanobacterial blooms in lakes during the summer, unusual cyanobacterial observations in northern parts of the Bothnian Sea and the Kvarken
Research & development > Water > Summary of algal bloom monitoring June-August 2020: Varying cyanobacterial blooms in lakes during the summer, unusual cyanobacterial observations in northern parts of the Bothnian Sea and the Kvarken

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