
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Multilevel assessment of sustainable oil spill response measures and their impact on Arctic and subarctic marine environments (OILRES)

The aim of this project is to strengthen forces of two R&D institutes to develop new innovative ways to enhance the biological and chemical oil spill response in Arctic and subarctic regions, and to p...

Key questions of sustainable development and action plan 2030

The aim of the Avain2030 project is to outline overall picture of the current situation, challenges and opportunities of Finland in regard of implementation of Agenda2030. In addition, based on intern...

Plastic waste pathways into the Baltic Sea (BLASTIC)

The BLASTIC project aims at reducing plastic waste and thereby hazardous substances inflow into the Baltic Sea by mapping and monitoring amounts of litter in the aquatic environment.


The ENVIBASE project is a significant national investment in boosting the technical infrastructure behind the collection, management, sharing and utilisation of environmental data in Finland.

Coordinated and Integrated Permitting System (CIPS) in South Africa

The Overall Objective (intended long-term impact) of the Project was improved environmental governance in terms of enhanced service delivery of DEA by simplifying the environmental permitting processe...

Improving Emissions Control (EC Twinning, Turkey)

The Purpose of the project was to establish the necessary capacity within the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation (MoEU) to transpose and implement the National Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive ...

Needs Assessment for the Effective Implementation of the Environmental Conservation Law in Myanmar

Objectives of the assessment were three-fold: (1) Carry out a comprehensive review of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) in Myanmar and an assessment of existing gaps in its implementation and e...

Gulf of Bothnia as Resource for Sustainable Growth (SmartSea)

The purpose of the SmartSea project is to support the growth of commercial marine activities in the Gulf of Bothnia region. The Gulf of Bothnia is an essential resource in terms of fish farming and wi...

Research vessel Aranda renovation

The marine research vessel Aranda will be renovated to meet the needs of future marine research in the Baltic Sea. The renovation reduces the vessel’s operating costs, increases its energy efficiency ...

Potential and Pitfalls of Alternative Approaches to Ecosystem Service Valuation (ValuES)

The ValuES project analyzed the potential of alternative valuation approaches in valuing ecosystem services in different management and decision making contexts. It developed and tested an integrated ...

Intermediaries in the energy transition: The invisible work of creating markets for sustainable energy solutions (TRIPOD)

TRIPOD will empirically analyze innovation intermediaries and specify the concepts and analytical tools relevant for intermediation in the context of the ongoing energy transition, i.e., the shift to ...

Keeping the Arctic White: Regulatory Options for Reducing Short-Lived Climate Forcers in the Arctic (WHITE)

Short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) include black carbon, methane, tropospheric ozone and some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). These pollutants have a significant short-term warming influence on the climat...

GAINS and EMEP modelling in the Russian Federation: further developments at the regional level (GAINS Russia)

This project initiative is based on the established cooperation within integrated assessment modelling between Nordic parties – IVL (Sweden), SYKE (Finland), MET Norway (Norway) and JSC SRI Atmosphere...

Environmental impact assessment of airborne particulate matter: the effects of abatement and management strategies (BATMAN)

The overarching aim of this study is to provide new quantitative and reliable information on the optimal procedures for the reduction of PM air pollution and the associated environmental burden of dis...

Understanding the link between Air pollution and Distribution of related Health Impacts and Welfare in the Nordic countries (NordicWelfAir)

The overall aim of the research is to further understand the link between air pollution levels and chemical composition and to investigate and assess the effects of air pollution on the distribution o...

Impacts of Terrestrial Organic Matter Loading on Lake Food Webs and Human Health - Challenges for Environmental Regulation (TERLA consortium)

The objectives of the TERLA research consortium are to examine the impacts caused by terrestrial organic matter on lake food webs and human health and provide science-based knowledge for evaluating an...

Programme for Finland’s Water Sector Support to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (FinWaterWEI II)

The overall objective of the Programme is to enhance water security in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and the related region through equitable and integrated management of water resources. The Programme aims ...

Formation of Decision-Making System Aimed at Ecological and Economic Development of Issyk-Kul Lake's Territory Based on Results of Environment Monitoring (KGZ-Water / Issyk-Kul)

The main goal of the project is the creation of a system for reasonable environmental decision-making on the basis of a pilot area - Issyk-Kul Oblast (Issyk-Kul Lake) through improvement of environmen...

Capacity building on surface water quality monitoring in Tajikistan (TJK-Water)

The overall objective (intended long-term impact) of the Project is to increase the capacity of Tajik authorities to provide reliable environmental information of surface water quality both for the ci...

New and innovative low-carbon business generates competitive advantage for companies and municipalities (VÄLKE)

The huge potential of energy saving, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources is already recognized. The benefits are various. About 70 % of energy consumed in Finland is imported causing a defi...

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