
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Machine vision in environment monitoring (EnVision)

The purpose of the project is to evaluate the suitability of the machine vision, using drones, to identify species in the production of environmental information in land, water and traffic areas. The ...

Degradation of new biodegradable plastic materials in the Baltic Sea marine environment and assessment of associated environmental risk (UBINAM)

Project UBINAM aims at elucidating the current and near-future use of bio-based and biodegradable packaging materials in Finnish consumer retail and industry. Realistic degradation rates in laboratory...

Transition Pathways Towards Circular Economy (TRANSCIRC)

The research project will address the issues on how to improve resource efficiency and support the transition towards a circular economy, which will serve to boost exports and competence-based growth ...

Value for money: unlocking the investment potential for resilient low-carbon Finnish building stock (LIFE EconomisE)

The LIFE EconomisE project will demonstrate how influencing financial flows for the decarbonisation of building stock can deliver significant contributions towards 2020 and 2030 Climate and Energy tar...

Microbial diversity in aquatic systems and effects of browning - MiDAS

MiDAS will combine a novel high throughput 16S/18S rRNA gene targeting primer-free molecular sequencing approach, traditional light microscopy, and comprehensive microscopy-based phytoplankton dataset...

Utilization of Sentinel satellite series for monitoring the water quality of the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes

VESISEN-project aims at developing methods for utilizing EU/ESA Copernicus-program Sentinel-satellite series observations for determining water quality on Finnish lakes and on the coastal waters of Fi...

Clear waters from pharmaceuticals - CWPharma

CWPharma will give tools and recommendations to policy makers, authorities and municipalities on the best ways to reduce emissions of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in the Baltic Sea Region.

Seed banks as reservoirs of diversity driving evolutionary dynamics and persistence of Baltic phytoplankton in a changing environment (RESERVOIR)

Here we investigate how the diversity reservoir supports the capacity of Baltic algae to deal with environmental change. This project will contribute to a better assessment of the resilience of Baltic...

The Ecosystem Hotel

An Ecosystem Hotel is a place that offers a sanctuary for species assemblages during changes in land use. On larger scale, within this project we aim to develop and test methods for mitigating biodive...

Producing land cover and land use data in CORINE Land Cover 2018 project and validating Copernicus Land products in Finland

Finnish Corine Land Cover 2018 -project produce a satellite image mosaic, both raster and vector land cover databases and land cover changes databases. Databases will represent the land cover of the y...

Workshop on marine protected area (MPA) networks in a changing Arctic climate

A workshop, organized by Sweden and Finland, on "Marine protected area (MPA) networks in a changing Arctic climate" was arranged 21–22 September 2017 in Helsinki, Finland.

Targeted methods for increasing recycling – economic impacts and feasibility (KEIKKA 2)

The objective of this project is to evaluate the economic impacts and social profitability of the proposed steering methods for increasing the recycling rate of municipal solid waste (MSW). Also the f...

Finnish Marine Portal

The project will produce the Finnish Marine portal, a national service linking information and data from various Finnish marine data providers.


DETECT is a Finnish Academy funded consortium project between the Tampere University of Technology, University of Jyväskylä and the Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE. We aim to modernize taxa identi...

Blue Growth boundaries in novel Baltic food webs - BONUS BLUEWEBS

BONUS BLUEWEBS will assess the consequences of simultaneously achieving the good environmental status and providing blue growth, i.e. the capability of Baltic Sea food webs to sustainably produce ecos...

Air Pollution Damage Cost Model for Finland (IHKU)

Air pollution has severe negative impacts on human health and environment. Monetary value of these negative impacts for people and society can be assessed with various methods. National level damage c...

The Habitat Bank of Finland

The Habitat Bank of Finland explores and develops the feasibility of ecological compensations in Finland. Through piloting with stakeholders and inter-disciplinary research, this umbrella project will...

Aquatic Monitoring for Sustainable Dredging in Northern Lakes of Egypt (MoMa-Monitoring Master)

This project aims at the improved capacity of the General Authority for Fish Resources Development (GAFRD) to monitor the environmental quality of Lake Manzala, plan the assessment of environmental im...

Utilization of Canadian waterweed - from nuisance to source of raw materials

In Koillismaa-region many lakes have been invaded by a harmful alien species Canadian waterweed (Elodea canadensis). The project aims to find new ways to utilize the biomass of waterweed and boost bus...

CIRCWASTE - Towards Circular Economy in Finland

CIRCWASTE (2016-2023) is a LIFE IP project that promotes material efficiency and waste prevention and steers Finland towards circular economy.

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