
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Project Stage
Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (PLAN4BLUE)

The Plan4Blue project promotes sustainable planning and management of marine and coastal areas of the Gulf of Finland and the Archipelago Sea by developing Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) capacity. Th...

Recycling nutrients and energy of Canadian waterweed

The project aims at finding cost-effective ways for utilization of the Canadian waterweed and thus to support the opportunities for economic and recreational use of the lakes. Our goal is to test diff...

Turn the tap on

A campaign promoting tap water in Nordic countries

Best Practices Promoting Sustainable Urban Form (YKR-demo)

The project supports sustainable urbanization and produces information about best practices to the revision of the Land Use and Building Act.

Small-scale wastewater treatment systems: governance, efficiency, resources recovery, environment contamination risks and innovative solutions for processes optimization (ON-SITE)

Nordic countries share a number of similarities but also differences related to sanitation regulations of wastewater treatment systems outside sewage networks. In addition to regulated pollutants, eff...

Sea-Land biogeochemical linkages (Baltic+ SeaLaBio)

The Sentinel satellites of the Copernicus programme offer an excellent opportunity for monitoring the state of the Baltic Sea. These satellites have spectral characteristics suitable for estimating tu...

Earth Observation-based Services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status (EOMORES)

EU/Horizon2020 project EOMORES (grand agreement °730066) develops services for monitoring the quality of inland and coastal water bodies, using data from Earth Observation satellites and in situ senso...

Sentinel mosaics in Finland in national reference grid (FPCUP SGA3 Tier1)

The project concentrates on raising awareness and helping the end-users of Sentinel satellite images and particularly Sentinel satellite image mosaics produced under Finnish Geospatial Platform progra...

Upgrading the National Environmental Monitoring System (NEMS) of Azerbaijan on the base of EU best practices

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of environmental performance in Azerbaijan, especially regarding the air quality. The purpose of the project is to strengthen t...

Artificial intelligence and IoT in water risk and water resources management (AlyVesi)

Increasing the use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things in managing water risks and water resources will open up significant business opportunities and thus support sustainable growth...

Digitalizing water resource measurement and observation – Intelligent control for new measurement technologies (VEMIDI)

Technological advances offer several new methods for environmental monitoring. The information produced with different methods is not uniform and requires advanced data and quality control. The object...

Developmental evaluation of the Finnish sustainable development policies and transformation pathways (POLKU2030, PATH2030)

POLKU2030 ('PATH2030') was a half-year-long project funded by the Government's analysis, assessment and research activities (VN TEAS). In the project, the implementation of Finlanf's sustainable devel...

Completing management options in the Baltic Sea Region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping - COMPLETE

COMPLETE supports the implementation of the new International Maritime Organization’s convention on ballast water management that came into force on 8 September 2017 by triggering regional cooperation...

Water meets people – learn, act and influence SEVIRA

SEVIRA-project carries on the GOF cooperation between Finland and Russia via European Neighbourhood Instrument, ENI CBC.

Decision support tool for management of the Baltic Sea ecosystem - BONUS DESTONY

Successful environmental management relies on an enormous amount of complex information that is processed further to interpret or predict potential changes and responses. A number of decision support ...

Future Marine Assessment and Monitoring of the Baltic – BONUS FUMARI

The aim of BONUS FUMARI is to make a proposal for a renewed monitoring system of the Baltic Sea marine environment.The project will also explore the possibilities that novel monitoring methods can off...

Blue health and wealth from the Baltic Sea – a participatory systematic review for smart decisions BONUS ROSEMARIE

BONUS ROSEMARIE carries out a systematic analysis of the potential and challenges of different monetary and non-monetary valuation methods of marine ecosystem services, and analyses the institutional ...

Eating and Energy Use Reconfigured (EE-TRANS)

EE-TRANS brings together sociotechnical transition and practice theories in order to develop understanding of reconfigurations required for developing more sustainable patterns of production and consu...

Developing knowledge, policy recommendations and strengthening capacities on Water management and Ecological security in the frame of CEWP

The objective of the project is to co-create new information, knowledge and recommendations on water management and ecological security, together with Chinese partners based on IWRM approaches. Learni...

Integrated and scalable water quality data and services (Pro Quality Data)

Methods and practices of environmental monitoring are changing significantly. Satellite and mobile technology, automatic sensors and modelling modernize data acquisition, storage, handling and deliver...

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