
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Project Stage
Egyptian Pollution Abatement Project (EPAP)

The project aimed at setting up adequate mechanisms and resources to curb industrial pollution. The best use of available World Bank and European Investment Bank pollution abatement investment funds w...

Egyptian Antiquities Information System (EAIS)

The overall objective of the project was the preservation of Egyptian cultural heritage through improved Cultural Heritage Management. The purpose of the project was to provide the Supreme Council of ...

Regional Monitoring and Supervision Unit (RMSU) to provide Monitoring, Collection and Dissemination of Results of the MEDA Water Projects

The overall objective of the Regional Monitoring and Supervision Unit (RMSU) was to assist the beneficiaries and the implementing partners of the Actions funded under the MEDA Water Programme. The pro...

Management of Horizontal Activities and Support to the Regional Euro-Mediterranean Programme for the Environment (SMAP)

The overall objective of the Regional Management and Support Unit (SMAP-RMSU) established by the project is to enhance regional environmental cooperation and, more specifically to reinforce the region...

TA to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction of Croatia for Enhanced Environmental Inspection for Enforcement of New Environmental Legislation

Training of environmental inspectors was one of key activities of this project. Inspectors were trained through the two programmes: (i) Training of Trainers (ToT) programme and training of environment...

River Basin Management Programme, Bosnia&Herzegovina

The general objective of the entire programme was to support the institutional reforms in the water sector of Bosnia & Herzegovina. The activities undertaken were built upon the results of the 1st pha...

Strengthening of the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania (StEMA)

The purpose of the assignment was to establish and consolidate an updated and effective environmental monitoring system and to improve data quality through the development of an up-to-date, cost-effec...

Resource and Environment Protection in the Timano-Pechora Region, Russia

The project included contribution to a comprehensive strategy for the sustainable development of the TPP and a Geographic Information System component containing GIS development for Kolva river area.

Project Preparation and Supervision in the Municipal Water Sector in North-West Russia

The project supported the Ministry's project preparation and supervision in the implementation of the cooperation programme with the Vodokanal of St. Petersburg, the Nordic Initiative programme and ot...

Measuring Green Public Procurement in EU (European Commission)

The level of green public procurement in the EU countries was measured and best practices to promote environmental soundness in public tender calls collected.

Establishment of an information system and a database for water management field according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), Romania

The project established an information system and a coherent database for water management field according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive.

Development of a National Environmental Monitoring System (RANSMO), Bosnia&Herzegovina

The objective was to assist in setting up an environmental monitoring and reporting system, to strengthen the capacities of environmental professionals involved in developing and operating the system ...

Baltic Oil Spill Safety System, Russia

The aim of the Baltic Oil Spill Safety System Project was to help Russian authorities in improving the environmental monitoring of oil spills and in developing a Baltic global oil spill response syste...

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal (RWSSP-WN)

The purpose is to fulfill the basic needs and ensure rights of access of the poorest and excluded households to safe domestic water, good health and hygiene through decentralized governance system.

Policy learning: linking development policy and climate change in Finland's relations with developing countries

The objective is to provide an analysis that supports the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland in its efforts to integrate poverty reduction and climate policy objectives in the implementation of F...

Basel Convention Regional Centre Support Programme

The project addresses the poor management of hazardous chemicals and hazardous waste by building the capacity of the Africa Institute that acts as a Regional Centre for the Basel Convention.

Institutional Cooperation between the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Zambia (MLNREP) and the Finnish Environment Institute

The objective was to share information and experiences between the public service environmental administrations in Finland and Zambia in order to develop capacity.

Support to Magaliesberg Biosphere Initiative, South Africa

The purpose is to support the authorities in North West and Gauteng provinces to establish and manage the Magaliesberg biosphere area to be registered with the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme.

Inventory and planning for the Finnish marine NATURA 2000 network (FINMARINET)

FINMARINET was a joint venture by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services, Geological Survey of Finland, Åbo Akademi and Turku University. It was co-funded un...

Innovative approaches for marine biodiversity monitoring and assessment of conservation status of nature values in the Baltic Sea (MARMONI)

To develop concepts for assessment of conservation status of marine biodiversity. The project shall develop innovative monitoring and assessment approach based on joint set of marine biodiversity indi...

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