
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Project Stage
Multidisciplinary Project on Dissolved Organic Matter loading and its effects on the Baltic Sea (MULTIDOM)

Multidom-research group has expertise on soil ecology, hydrobiology, environmental economics, environmental history and politics. In this program, dissolved organic matter (DOM) loads from terrestrial...

Changing phytoplankton community composition and its effect on biogeochemical fluxes in the Baltic Sea (C-Flux)

Two phytoplankton groups are predominant during spring in the Baltic Sea: diatoms and dinoflagellates. The abundances of these algal groups have a large effect on remineralization, or biogeochemical f...

Developing an algal filter for removal of nutrients (ALTUBBER)

In this project we will develop and test an algal turf scrubber under Finnish summer conditions. A community of algae will be grown in a biofilm on the turf scrubber and we will investigate the potent...

Biodiesel production from closed-algae growing systems using waste water of ethanol plant in Vietnam (ALGNAM)

In this project we aim to develop and build a pilot scale, tubular photobioreactor for growing microalgae in Vietnam. The reactor will use wastewater with high concentration of nutrients and CO2, whic...

Genetic diversity and phenotypic variability in Baltic Sea phytoplankton populations: Implications for ecological processes and adaptation to environmental change (PHYTOVAR)

Toimitetaan myöhemminBiodiversity is an important factor for the stability and functioning of ecosystems. In species poor systems experiencing rapid anthropogenic change population level diversity may...

Hazardous Waste Management Project in Alexandria: Review of the 1st Phase and Preparation of the 2nd Phase, Egypt

The purpose of the review was to assess the extent of achievement of the objectives and expected results of the project and the constraints experienced during the first 2+ years, and to provide guidel...

Finnish CDM/JI Pilot Programme

The objectives of the pilot programme were to 1) contract CDM and JI projects into the project pipeline, 2) to gain experience with the Kyoto mechanisms, 3) to write project management guidelines and ...

Marine Research Capacity Development in Namibia (MARINAM)

The Government of Namibia procured a marine research vessel from Finland through a concessional credit arrangement in 2011-2012. During the process it became apparent that transfer of knowledge and ex...

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Arguments for our future Environment BESAFE

BESAFE will examine the interactions of environmental protection policies between governance scales. This will lead to an assessment of the transferability of arguments across scales. The Project will...

Elimination of nitrate in soil and groundwater at fur farm (NITROS)

The aim of the project was to test and develop a biological in situ -method for remediating soil and groundwater at a fur farm that has been contaminated with nitrate.

Institutional Strengthening of Environmental Inspectorates

The overall objective of the project was to assist Hungary in strengthening the capacity of the Hungarian environmental inspection system in order to give effect to the EU environmental legislation as...

Establishment of the Natura 2000 Network under the Habitats Directive

The overall objective of the project was to develop nature conservation in Estonia to comply with EU requirements. The main objective of the project was achieved by establishing Natura 2000 network un...

Air quality improvement

The project assisted in implementing the air quality framework directive and relevant daughter directives in FYR Macedonia. Member State experts gave assistance in preparing the relevant secondary leg...

Strengthening of Environmental Administration and Management at the Local Level (SEAM), Nepal

The project assisted the local authorities and industries of the area in improving their capacity for environmental planning and management. The project aimed at directly protecting, enhancing and sus...

Strengthening of Environmental Administration and Management at the Local Level II (SEAM-II), Nepal

The second phase of the SEAM Project aimed to secure effective use of previous project results and to continue the establishment of local and regional environmental administration in Nepal by extendin...

Public Participation in Environmental Aspects in ASEM Countries

This AEETC-coordinated project was implemented by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the Thailand Environment Institute. The general purpose of the project was to contribute to the developm...

Environmental Monitoring and Management Capacity Building in the Kyrgyz Republic

The overall objective of the project was to strengthen environmental management and monitoring capacity in the Kyrgyz Republic in order to promote sustainable development of economic activities in the...

Support to Environment and Sustainable Development in North West Province, South Africa

The overall objective of the project was to improve the quality of life of the population by improved environmental sustainability. The purpose was to introduce correct environmental considerations in...

Migration of alternative de-icing chemicals in aquifers (MIDAS)

According to environmental legislation in Finland, spoiling of groundwater is strictly forbidden. On the other hand, winter road deicing cannot be completely stopped because traffic safety must be mai...

Regional Industrial Pollution and CO2 Emission Abatement Project for Arab Countries

The purpose of the RIPECAP project was to support selected Arab Countries in achieving the principles of the Declaration of the Arab Ministries of Environment, promote energy efficiency and the use of...

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