
By using the search tool you will find the ongoing projects and projects completed in 2016 or later.

The search results are listed according to the order of which website has been published last, with the newest website listed at the top.

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Project Stage
Transition Pathways Towards Circular Economy (TRANSCIRC)

The research project will address the issues on how to improve resource efficiency and support the transition towards a circular economy, which will serve to boost exports and competence-based growth ...

Targeted methods for increasing recycling – economic impacts and feasibility (KEIKKA 2)

The objective of this project is to evaluate the economic impacts and social profitability of the proposed steering methods for increasing the recycling rate of municipal solid waste (MSW). Also the f...

Utilization of Canadian waterweed - from nuisance to source of raw materials

In Koillismaa-region many lakes have been invaded by a harmful alien species Canadian waterweed (Elodea canadensis). The project aims to find new ways to utilize the biomass of waterweed and boost bus...

CIRCWASTE - Towards Circular Economy in Finland

CIRCWASTE (2016-2023) is a LIFE IP project that promotes material efficiency and waste prevention and steers Finland towards circular economy.

Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance – ALLIANCE

Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance gathers together blue biotechnology experts from all around the Baltic Sea region (BSR). In the project, the resources of BSR research institutes are made available ...

Circular procurement in Nordic Countries - CIPRON

The objective of this project is to study how and to what extent circular procurement is implemented in Nordic countries, focusing on Finland, Denmark and Sweden. Best and good practices of circular p...

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