Jouni Lehtoranta


Senior Scientist

PhD (Limnology, University of Helsinki)
Docentship (Aquatic sciences, University of Helsinki)

Tel: +358 295 251 363
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Marine and freshwater solutions
Ecosystem functions
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki

Research Gate


I graduated from the University of Helsinki in 1995 (major subject limnology). Topic of my PhD thesis was “Sediment dynamics of phosphorus in the Gulf of Finland” and I achieved docentship in aquatic sciences in 2009. At present my scientific interest is focused on respiration and redox-reactions and the consequences caused in marine- and lacustrine ecosystems.

Present tasks

My present work is concentrated on solving of eutrophication problems. I plan, lead and carry out co-operative research projects. I act as an expert in the steering groups of national and international projects. I’m also a Research Integrity Adviser together with Helena Valve in our institute.

Present research topics

At the moment, I am focusing on the utilization of the dredged clay material for phosphorus binding in the CLAYTRAP project and on the experimental determination of bioavailable phosphorus in soil from fields and forests in the CLAPSOIL project.

I’m also interested in how oxygenation affects the physics and geochemistry of the anoxic coastal basins of the Baltic Sea.

CLAYTRAP Seabed nutrient trapping with dredged glacial clays (2022-2024)

CLAPSOIL Clay-soil phosphorus kinetics in lake and brackish systems (2024 - 2025)

Recent projects

  • KAIHALI Management and reconditioning of water courses loaded by mine waters (2016 − 2018)
  • SAVE Saving the Archipelago Sea by applying gypsum to agricultural fields (2016 – 2018)
  • MIX-P Release of phosphorus from bottom sediment to water – incidence, causes, and im­pact on trophy of lakes and coastal areas (2015 – 2017)
  • TEAQUILA Fluxes of Terminal Electron Acceptors: Linking Human Disturbance to the Health of Aquatic Systems (2013 – 2017)
  • COMICS Iron-manganese concretions in bioremediation of contaminated soils and sediments (2010 – 2012)
  • FIMIN Functionality of iron minerals in the environmental processes (2011 – 2013)
  • PROPPEN Controlling benthic release of phosphorus in different Baltic Sea Scales (2009 – 2011)
Published 2020-03-12 at 9:39, updated 2024-06-25 at 16:08

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